赫兹Hertz HCP 5D获EISA2013-2014汽车音响大奖

来源:360汽车网      编辑:蒋兴波 2013-08-17 16:50    浏览量:27162


赫兹Hertz HCP 5D获EISA2013-2014汽车音响大奖
赫兹Hertz HCP 5D获EISA2013-2014汽车音响大奖
赫兹Hertz HCP 5D获EISA2013-2014汽车音响大奖
赫兹Hertz HCP 5D获EISA2013-2014汽车音响大奖

这款仅有一盒巧克力大小的Hertz HCP 5D,其所能爆发的能量却足以让人吃惊。HCP的全称是Hertz Compact Power,翻译过来的意思为赫兹紧凑的力量。其特点便体现在紧凑和力量这四个字上面。铝制的散热片能高效安全的转移功放电子元件产生的热量,其时尚简洁的外观与精美的做工不得不让人叹服。



HCP stands for Hertz Compact Power, which is exactly what this tiny performer delivers. The 5D suffix indicates the number of channels and explains how so much performance can be crammed into such a small chassis. The five class D channels deliver the performance of equivalent conventional AB amps but at a fraction of the size and with very low heat dissipation. Configuration flexibility is guaranteed by the highly versatile filter design, allowing fine-tuning for complex installations from the classic Front-Rear to more sophisticated Bi-Amping applications. The Hertz HCP 5D is well suited to the upgrade of factory systems, accepting high-level speaker inputs and featuring an auto turn-on function. Hertz delivers all of this from a package the size of a box of chocolates.

本文标题:赫兹Hertz HCP 5D获EISA2013-2014汽车音响大奖
本文原地址:http://www.360qc.com/news/NewInformation/2013-08-17 16:50:18.0/48240.html
关键词: 赫兹 Hertz HCP 5D EISA